Week of 24 April to 30 April

As promised in last week’s writing update, this was a good week for Blood Magic, and I don’t just mean because Noble Child went live. That first viewpoint scene was very important for me to get right, and I might still go back and finesse it in revision, but I’m mostly pleased with how it turned out. I think it serves as a good reminder of some important truths about Blood Magic that are easy to forget in the course of the other stories.

With that first viewpoint scene finished, I’m now digging into the third scene, putting me at about four thousand words. Ideally, I will finish Blood and Dragons‘ second part over the course of the next two weeks, and then revise both parts together before getting them scheduled up to go live on the site at the ends of May and June, respectively.

Pushing into new territory on Verdon’s Tragedy, I finally got to one of Verdon’s critical character moments, the part of his life that I envisioned before anything else. He was a throw-away character who appeared only as a reference in a couple of lines of dialogue in the first draft of the first Fo’Fonas novel, and now he has almost ninety thousand words written about him. My progress did slow down a little, though, because I’m starting to worry about writing the ending. I know how the story has to end, but I don’t yet know exactly how I want that to transpire. We shall see.

Aside from story progress, I also got a lot of writing done for the site, so you can look forward to many more new blog posts and book reviews. Hopefully you also saw that Noble Child went live on Saturday – if you haven’t read it yet, I encourage you to head over to the Blood Magic pages to check it out soon.

As mentioned in our review for The Dragonbone Chair, this week’s book review will be for Stone of Farewell, that book’s sequel and second in the Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn trilogy. Tuesday’s post will be about regret, contrasts, and logical fallacies, with a bit of my personal philosophy thrown in for good measure. That’s all for now. I hope you have a great week, and I’ll be back here next Sunday with another weekly writing update.

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